and evaluation

To assess and evaluate the young people you are working with as a curriculum integrated activity, there is a simple set of tools: the 4 Cs - Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration and Communication.

Muktangan School have developed a tool for tracking learning progression, called 21st Century Skills (S2T2).

About S 2 T 2

‘S 2 T 2 is a tracking tool for 21st century skills in students across grades 2 to 7. The tool aims to assess the 4Cs of 21st century skills (Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration and Communication) across 3 levels.

Additionally, the tool also tracks Emotion Competence as it is the centre piece that guides the child to make optimal use of the 4Cs. The tool can be used by the facilitator once to track student growth across the project.

How to use the tool ?

Before you administer the tool, bring to mind the student you want to track. Try to recall your most recent interaction with the child. You may refer to experiences and information observed up to a month ago. If you feel you don’t have sufficient information, you may observe the child more keenly in your upcoming classes.

To begin administering the tool, read each level carefully and choose the level that best describes the student’s competency. If unsure, choose the lesser level.

If you firmly believe that the child does not currently possess the competency for level 1, choose the box labelled ‘R’.from the research project.’ Muktangan School 2019.

Assessment Tool

Sr. no. Competency/Skill Criteria Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 R
Critical Thinking
Operational Definition
Critical Thinking comprises of the mental processes, strategies and representations that are used to solve problems, make decisions, and learn new concepts
Inquisitiveness Is rarely curious; usually accepts whatever the teacher says Asks few questions to get more information Is very curious; asks relevant questions
Problem Solving Rarely clarifies doubts and usually focuses on problems rather than solutions Attempts to clarify doubts and begins to think of solutions Clarifies doubts with no hesitation and often thinks of and shares solutions
Comprehension and Application Prefers remembering by rote learning (by memorizing) Attempts to understand concepts and can partially explain them Applies learned concepts in real life by making connections and through demonstration
Parallel thinking and Analysis Prefers to hold on to a single perspective Ready to listen and think from different perspectives Comes to conclusions by objectively analysing different perspectives
Creative Thinking
Operational Definition
Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that have originality, usefulness and are nonobvious
Flexibility Fluency Tends to stay with one’s existing ideas and knowledge Attempts to learn through experimenting and tries to come up with new ideas and knowledge Is flexible, willing to learn through experimenting and presents new ideas and knowledge
Originality Usefulness Usually states obvious or known solutions Attempts different methods to solve a problem but may not necessarily succeed Successfully executes unique solutions to solve a problem
Operational Definition
The capacity of an individual to effectively engage in a process where by two or more agents attempt to solve a problem by sharing the understanding and effort required to come to a solution and pooling their knowledge, skills and efforts to reach that solution
People skills Prefers to work alone or just with close friends Works well with known persons and tries to get along with different kinds of people Functions well as a team member and is easy to get along with
Judgement and Feedback Tends to criticize others when working in groups Disagrees with others yet attempts to give positive feedback to group members. Compliments and gives constructive feedback when working in groups
Inhibitory Control and Self-Regulation Either tends to dominate or stays very quiet in a classroom discussion/group activity Engages in a discussion when prompted or only when he or she is interested in that topic. Engages well in collaborative discussions (speaks as well as listens to all)
Conflict Resolution Has many disagreements with classmates or teachers and displays reluctance to resolve them Has some disagreements with classmates or teachers but attempts to sort them out Has a few disagreements with classmates or teachers but soon communicates with the concerned person to sort it out
Communication Skills
Operational Definition
Communication is an ongoing process of sending and receiving messages that enable humans to share knowledge, attitudes, and skills
Social Etiquette Finds it difficult to stay on the topic and often interrupts others Mostly stays on the topic. If guided, does not interrupt and waits for turn Maintains topic and takes turn independently while speaking
Active Listening Listens to teacher and/or classmates with difficulty Listens to teacher and/or classmates when reminded Willingly listens attentively to teachers and/or classmates
Emotional Competence
Operational Definition
The ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions
Emotion Knowledge Identifies one’s feelings (I am happy, I am sad) Identifies and expresses one’s feelings. Makes an attempt to understand feelings of others Identifies and expresses own feelings and also shows support to others feelings/emotions
Emotion Reactivity and Regulation Tends to get angry or upset when mistakes are made (by self or others) May get angry or upset when mistakes are made but tries to control self. Usually accepts making mistakes without getting upset/angry
Emotion Resilience Tends to give up when something is challenging. Continues to try when faced with challenges but stops when it gets too frustrating. Is persistent when faced with challenges and looks for new ways to tackle them (e.g. seeking help)
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